State Eligibility Test i.e. SET Life Science Exam 2020, here SET also known as State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) Life Science Exam 2020. Candidates can find Previous year question papers with answer keys, model / sample papers, syllabus, study materials and books of SET Life Science Exam 2020.
SET Life Science Exam 2020
- SET Life Science Exam 2020 is a state level exam, conducted by different states government in India. States opted to conduct their own test i.e. State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) for the recruitment in Life Science Lectureship / Assistant Professor and other subjects too.
SET Life Science Exam Date 2020
- Candidates who qualify in Life Science are eligible to apply for the post of Lectureship / Assistant Professor within the jurisdiction of the Member-States of this SLET Commission. They will be given a pass-certificate and the validity period of certificate is forever.
- Unlike CBSE NET and CSIR NET which are conducted twice in a year, SET/SLET Life Science exam conducted once in a year. To get you can exact state SET Life Science Exam 2020 date please check List of SET/SLET Exam 2020
SET Life Science Exam Pattern & Syllabus
- The SET Life Science Exam will be conducted in a objective mode from 2015 onwards. The Test Life Science will consists of three papers. To evaluate the General Aptitude of the candidates, there will be one common paper (Paper-I) for all and it will contain 60 questions of 2 marks each, and the candidates will have to answer 50 questions only.
- The Second and Third paper will be on the Life Science subject concerned. The second paper will have 50 compulsory questions of 2 marks each. For Third paper, there will be 75 compulsory questions of 2 marks each.